On Behalf of the Beverly Minor Hockey Association,
we would like to thank our membership and
congratulate our DECEMBER 2016 WINNERS!!!
Evin Jansen | Novice 1
Jude Shelley | Novice 1
Quinn Tozer | Novice 2
Tegan Croft | Bantam
Dawson McGregor | Midget 2
As in prior years, each family has paid a
$50 fundraising fee per child, to a maximum of 2 children per family. Your Bandit’s name, to a
maximum of 2 per family, will be entered into the raffle drum for the draws (5 per month) and the winners will receive a
cash rebate of their registration fees of
$100. The draws will take place at the arena on the
last Sunday of each month from October to February.