Exciting changes are coming!
Beverly Arena renovations will be underway soon!
The arena will remain open during the installation of an elevator tower in the
front entrance, as well as sliding doors.
The elevator construction will provide access for more people, especially our elderly and disabled, to enjoy community events.
We ask that everyone be mindful as they enter and exit our facility. There will be appropriate signs placed around the front entrance that indicate closed/unsafe areas. Accessibility to the second floor via the stairs may be temporarily limited. Parents, please be vigilant with young children and make every effort to keep them away from the construction area. Bandits, please take care and avoid hanging around the front doors (inside and out) as well anywhere around the stairs. Find safer places within the facility between games or while waiting for siblings.
If you have any questions, please direct them to any of the BMHA Executive.
Thank you for your co-operation,