Nov 29, 2017 | jbroadbent | 1048 views
Hey friends......What is everyone doing this FRIDAY DECEMBER 1st?
Hopefully you will take some time and come to the Beverly Community Center/Arena (at #680, HWY 8 in Rockton - close to Ancaster, Dundas, Cambridge,etc) to watch the Beverly Bandits play the Hamilton Seldgehammers!
6:00 pm junior game; 7:00 pm senior game
$2.00 admission (& we have door prizes)
LOTS (I MEAN LOTS) of great silent auction prizes to be won:
tickets to the Leafs, Raptors, Kitchener Rangers and Ti-Cats ....
not to mention dozens of other great product & service prizes (Christmas shopping for a great cause)!
We've been blessed by some great sponsors including:
Waterdown Collision
Terra Greenhouses
Weeks Home Hardware
Symposium Cafe (Waterdown location)
Copetown Woods Golf Club
Toronto Maple Leafs & Raptors
Hamilton Ti-Cats
Christine Tew - Massage Therapy
Brinnicwoodworks > locally made, gorgeous wood products
O'Connor Electric
Hamilton Spectator - Theatre Aquarius
Plus many of our parents have donated great prizes as well.
All proceeds go to the Sledgehammers.
Sledge Hockey gives everyone a chance to play this great game.
Stop by for a few minutes or stay and watch a game - I hope to see you all there!!!