Hello Beverly Minor Hockey Families
We are once again holding a Hamilton Bulldogs Fundraising Event!
Who: Hamilton Bulldogs vs Erie Otters
When: Saturday February 2 at 4:00 pm
Cost: $20 per ticket
Prizes: Pizza Party to top selling team and Prizes to the top three individual sellers!
Our IP and Tyke players will be going on the ice for an intermission skate.
Order forms have been e mailed out to everyone. You can use them to record your ticket sales.
They will also be at the arena during every practice day starting this Wednesday, January 9.
All the orders and money have to be in by Thursday, January 24. All the teams will sit together as a group.
Please ask your family and friends to join us for a fun night out!
If you have any questions about this event, please see Debbie Croft at the arena or call her at 905-981-7185 or e mail her at
[email protected]
This is the only fundraising event planned for this season so please try to sell as many tickets as you can to family, friends and co-workers to make this event a success and to keep costs down.
We are also running the 50/50 tickets sales so be sure to get your 50/50 tickets at the game!
Thank-you for your support!