2020/2021 Update, News (Beverly Minor Hockey)

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Aug 11, 2020 | Debbie Croft | 968 views
2020/2021 Update
We have been given some information from the City of Hamilton on re-opening this season. Only four arenas will be opening on September 1, these include Harry Howell, Rosedale, Chedoke and Morgan Firestone. We will not have any ice in September but we hope to start October 1.

The City of Hamilton is limiting the amount of people on the ice to 20 and this includes coaches. The Arena will only be allowed 50 occupants total so each player will be allowed only 1 parent into the arena when they are on the ice, no siblings at this time. Masks must be worn in the arena and those going on the ice will need to dress before coming to the arena and there will be an area inside to put skates on, the City is not opening dressing rooms yet.
On ice activities are to be socially distanced and will be skill development as game play has not yet been approved. When game play does resume it has to be contained within the City of Hamilton. The good news is the kids get to be back on the ice developing their hockey skills and keeping in shape, the bad news is of course that we are not able to resume business as usual in the rink. Most importantly the health and safety of our members comes first and we will be following all safety protocols as required by the City of Hamilton.
To further stop the spread the OHF have ruled that no player transfers will be approved (other than a change of residency) this means that all players are to play where they did last year or where their Primary Association is according to their Hockey Canada Profile.
If you have any questions please reach out to us. We are excited to see everyone again and even though our season will look very different we will still provide excellent programming in a fun and safe environment.
Your BMHA Executive
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