Leafs Raffle Ticket Winner!, News (Beverly Minor Hockey)

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Dec 20, 2021 | Debbie Croft | 735 views
Leafs Raffle Ticket Winner!
Congratulations to Travis Schoeman for winning the 4 tickets to the Maple Leafs game!

Thank-you to all who purchased tickets you help us raise $2965. A big thank-you to our anonymous donor for the tickets.

We wish everyone a Safe and Happy Holidays!

Enjoy the break and we will be back on January 3.

Beverly Greenhouses
Fruit & Vegetable Growing & Shipping. 1241 Concession 4 W, Hamilton, ON L0R 2H2 Ph: (905) 628-2503
DC Painting
Don Ciccarelli 289-683-1897
Shearlea Acres Farm Market
Earle & Sharon Clugston & Family 3826 Governors Road, RR # 2, Lynden, ON L0R 1T0 Ph: (519) 647-2415 Fax: (519) 647-3786 Email: [email protected]