Welcome Back!, News (Beverly Minor Hockey)

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Jan 01, 2022 | Debbie Croft | 728 views
Welcome Back!
Hello BMHA Families,
Happy New Year!
We hope everyone is healthy and was able to enjoy their holidays with family. We are happy to welcome everyone back to Beverly for practices and games starting on Monday January 3. Please see note from the OMHA on changes to capacity limits and also updated isolation protocols that they have released today.

January 1, 2022
Happy holidays everyone!

We are encouraging all participants to check with their Association regarding any
cancellations of upcoming practices, games or tournaments or the resumption of
programming following the holiday break.

Following the Government of Ontario’s announcement on December 30th to update
its Public Health Measures and Guidance in Response to Omicron, the OMHA is
providing clarification on how that will impact upcoming programming and the
procedure following a positive COVID-19 test.

The Children’s Health Coalition – representing Ontario’s children’s hospitals, mental
health agencies and rehabilitation centres – has emphasized that in-person education
is critical to the mental health, development and well-being of children and youth.
The OMHA believes that these benefits are echoed in sport and recreation.

Throughout this pandemic, the OMHA has followed the direction of Public Health
Ontario and regional Public Health Units. As of this most recent announcement,
there are no restrictions limiting programming 
that are coming from the
Government. However, the limits on spectator capacity have been further updated,
restricting arenas to 50% capacity but with a maximum of 1000 people, whichever
is less.

In addition, individuals who are vaccinated, as well as children under 12 who have
symptoms of COVID-19 will be required to isolate for five days following the onset
of symptoms. These individuals can end isolation after five days if their symptoms
are improving for at least 24 hours, and all public health and safety measures, such
as masking and physical distancing, are followed.

Individuals who are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or immunocompromised will
be required to isolate for 10 days.

Restrictions may continue to be implemented by regional public health and
municipalities/facilities. We will continue to communicate updates with our Associations
and participants as they become available. We encourage everyone to keep checking the
OMHA website, social media channels and your local Association websites.

Below is a reminder to the email sent out prior to the holidays and please note the dates
of January 4 for all players and spectators that must show ID and QR code for proof of
vaccination at the door. On January 10 all persons with a medical exemption must show
their QR code given them from Public Health to access the building.

The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health,
announced new changes to further encourage vaccination and help limit the spread
of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant. In line with these new requirements, effective
December 20, 2021 Proof of Vaccination will be required for youth aged 12-17 years
participating in sport at recreational facilities.


As such,everyone 12 years of age and olderwill be required to show proof of vaccination
to enter the facility as a spectator or to participate in activities.


In addition, as of January 4th, 2022 anyone accessing recreation facilities will be required
to use the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code with verification using the Verify
Ontario app. More information on these requirements can be found at:https://news.ontario.ca/en/backgrounder/1001329/responding-to-omicron-and-protecting-our-progress?utm_source=newsroom&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=%2Fen%2Frelease%2F1001327%2Fontario-taking-action-to-protect-against-omicron-variant&utm_term=public


So this means that players that are 12 years of age and over must now show proof of
vaccination and ID at the door to get into Beverly Arena - starting on January 4 when we
come back from the holidays. We suggest storing these on their phone or if they do not have
a phone then printing off a good copy of the ID and the enhanced vaccine with QR code and
laminating them so it is easy for your player to show at the door.

As such all persons 12 years of age and older that enter the arena (spectator, participant,
volunteer etc) must show the QR code at the door, the Arena Staff will have an iPad to scan
your QR code using the Verify Ontario App.

People with Medical Exemptions- A Doctors note will not be accepted after January 10. If you
have a medical exemption you must follow the directions on the above link to get a QR code
from Public Health.

We appreciate your cooperation in this. If these extra measures mean that we can keep
safe and the kids still playing hockey then the extra time at the door will be well worth it.

These requirements will be at all arenas, not just Beverly's. If you are travelling to another
center for a game please check out their website for up to date information they have on
time to get into the arena, capacity limits etc. Some small centers like Plattsville are only
allowing 2
spectators in the building for games so please be mindful of that and plan who will be taking
your player to the games as siblings and other family members will all not be allowed into
the arena if it brings you over the 2 person limit..

We are waiting on clarification from the City of Hamilton on our capacity limits and will
have an update on how this may affect us for games at Beverly early this week.

Your BMHA Executive

The Dirt Depot
Yard Address: 163 Highway No. 5 West Dundas Ontario L9H 5E2 Directly in front of Rock Chapel Golf Course Office Mail Address: 765 Valens Rd R.R.# 1 Troy Ontario L0R 2B0 Ph: (905) 689-8787 Toll Free: 1-800-701-7374 Email: [email protected] Hours: Monday – Friday 7am-5pm, Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
Dumfries Mutual Insurance
Don Graham Agent [email protected]
Melissa Mordue Sales Representative (905) 730-9592
Lynden Lions Club
Lions Hall 4070 Governors Rd. Lynden ON Meet: 1st & 3rd Thursday - 7:00pm