Power Skating Registration, News (Beverly Minor Hockey)

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Aug 08, 2022 | Debbie Croft | 675 views
Power Skating Registration
BMHA is thrilled to announce that Power Skating is BACK!
Coached and led by Kevin Mitchell, coach of BMHA and retired professional hockey player. Kevin will lead your player through a series of drills focusing on agility, speed, strength, and coordination prior to the season beginning!
Skaters will participate in six one-hour sessions. Sessions will be held on the following dates at the Beverly Arena:
Monday September 12 & Wednesday September 14
Monday September 19 & Wednesday September 21
Monday September 26 & Wednesday September 28

Division times are scheduled as follows:
6:00-7:00 p.m. - U9 & U11 players
7:00-8:00 p.m. - U13 & U15 players
8:00-9:00 p.m. - U18 players
Registration begins on Monday August 15th at 10:00 a.m. and will remain open until Wednesday August 24th or until registration is full, whichever comes first. 
The fee for all six sessions is $90 inclusive!
Unfortunately, there will be no accommodations made for part sessions, and no refunds for missed sessions. 
To register, an e-transfer must be sent to Board Member, Danielle Ciccarelli at danielle.ciccarelli@outlook.com
Please note you MUST include your child's name and division they are playing in the message of the e-transfer. 
The E-transfer will act as your registration. When sending the e-transfer please type the following for the question and answer: 
The question is : the password provided
The answer when sending the e-transfer should be "bandits" no capitals, no quotations, only the word bandits. 
Failure to include this information in the e-transfer message or sending prior to 10 a.m. will result in a returned payment less a $10 admin fee and an incomplete registration. The intent here is to ensure people don't get ahead or attempt to and register prior to everyone else. Let's keep it fair!
Space will be limited to 25 skaters per session. 
*Please note there could be a possibility of minor re-organizing based on registrations and this will be communicated to those affected players to completing each roster. 
A final roster for all sessions will be made available on the BMHA website on Thursday September 8. 
Lynden Lions Club
Lions Hall 4070 Governors Rd. Lynden ON Meet: 1st & 3rd Thursday - 7:00pm
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